This consent form sets out the choices you have when you engage with Sowers. It also explains how your personal information will be used. If you do consent to your information being shared, you have the right to change your mind at any time.
Privacy Statement for Collection of Personal Information
Sowers trust is funded by Oranga Tamariki to provide support to young people and whanau.
I understand and agree that:
Information may be shared with the agencies that are also working with me.
I can decide to decline support from Sowers at any time.
Information about my whānau/family’s will be used for statistical purposes, but only information that does not identify any member of my family/whānau.
The Sowers Trust worker has explained the complaints process to me.
Agencies will only share my information with other agencies involved in this case. They will follow their agency’s confidentiality code.
My family/whānau can choose to bring support people to meetings.
I can make suggestions about the meeting venue, cultural protocol to follow at the meeting, and any other needs I may have, such as translators, disability access, etc.
I understand how my whānau/family’s personal information may be used.
I am entitled to a copy of this consent form.