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I think we can all agree that it’s a challenging time for many. COVID and lockdowns affect us in so many ways. Whether you’re a student, parent, essential worker or not, we are all affected by the impact of what is happening to us and around us. Our physical, mental, social, and spiritual lives are all affected. Feelings of anxiety and frustration is very real, and it is important we look after our own wellbeing and needs. One thing I always encourage others (and myself) to do is to focus on the things that we have control over. The more we focus on things we have no control over (the weather, other people’s actions, what might happen in the future etc.), the more those feelings of hopelessness grows. The one thing in life that we have control over is ourselves and what we choose to do. Although we can’t control how we feel, we do have control over what we do and how we choose to react to our feelings.
In the FACE COVID ebook, Russ Harris uses the acronym FACE COVID as a guide to help us manage the impacts of what is happening.
F- focus on what is in your control
A- Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings
C- come back into your body
E- Engage in what you are doing
C- Committed action
O- Opening up
V- Values
I- Identify resources
D- Disinfect & distance
Read more in the FACE COVID book.