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This week, we are introducing Verona Ramadu. Verona has been with Sowers since 2014. Verona has a huge heart for our community and does a fantastic job in her role as family worker. Verona specialises in Triple P parenting and provides both group and one on one parenting support. Verona also looks after our monthly clothing co-op. Verona is also a talented baker and the team are very lucky to enjoy some of her fabulous creations!
I’ve asked Verona to share some her thoughts and valuable advice:
What do you love most about what you do?
Even though people come to see me for support with parenting, social, relationship or mental health challenges, I learn something from each of them too. It is a privilege to sit alongside someone and hear their story. And when people come together to support each other, that’s even more special. I see this in our parenting groups, through peer to peer connections and in our monthly Two Coats clothing co-op.
What do you find challenging?
It’s hard when social situations are complex and people feel powerless and they have given up on making any changes in their lives. That is challenging…to stay hopeful when the situation is hopeless. That is when I draw on my faith to keep me focused on supporting the person to work on what they can change and shift focus away from those things that they can’t.
If you could give one piece of advice to parents, what would it be?
Spend time with your children. Find new ways to connect with them as they grow. Have genuine conversations and let them know that no matter what, you love them and are there for them.