|  Sowing Seeds of Hope | He iti hau marangai, e tū te pāhokahoka

Verona Ramadu

I am a Family Worker at Sowers Trust and I work part-time so I can balance my work and family life. I am married with two young children.

I emigrated with my family from South Africa in 2000 and therefore have a heart for immigrants like myself looking to build a new life in NZ. I have qualifications in Biomedical Science as well as Occupational Therapy which inform my practice in my work with families. I worked for several years in community mental health practice prior to taking time out from paid employment to look after my children full-time.

I am a trained Triple P practitioner with a focus on supporting parents with children from 0-12 years. Triple P stands for Positive Parenting Program and is a research-based program designed to help parents to create a better family life with their children, based on the following five steps:

1. Create a safe, interesting life
2. Have a positive learning environment
3. Use assertive discipline
4. Have realistic expectations
5. Take care of yourself as a parent

I am also trained in the Stepping Stones parenting programme which is aimed at supporting parents of children with a disability.



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